The Project News
The SmartHome4SENIORS 4th TPM in Austria
The fourth meeting was arranged by die Berater in December 2023 in Vienna, Austria. During the meeting, the consortium discussed the finalisation of the learning environment and web app, as well as the development of 12 tutorials for the users of the SmartHome4SENIORS Kit. In addition, we discussed the remaining project activities and especially the organisation of piloting workshops with representatives of the target groups.

The SmartHome4SENIORS Training Activity in Greece
In June 2023, we organised a Training Activity (LTTA) in Athens, Greece. During this 3-day training, participants had the chance to experiment with the SmartHome4SENIORS Kit and its components. We learned how to assembly the wooden house model and attach electronics on it, as well as how to program these electronics and sensors t

The SmartHome4SENIORS 3rd TPM in France
The third meeting was arranged by E-Seniors in May 2023 in Paris, France. During the meeting, the consortium discussed the final modifications of the KIT and the development of the Educational Guide. The upcoming training activity in Athens was discussed to finalise the activities to be performed and the overall programme. The design and structure of the LME and Web app were presented.

The SmartHome4SENIORS 2nd TPM in Ireland
The second meeting was arranged by DCU in September 2022 in Dublin, Ireland. The meeting led to the finalisation of the first project result setting a framework with topics of interest for seniors regarding Smart Home automation. The input from the surveys with the target groups is of high importance for the creation of the KIT, meeting the target group's needs.
An initial view of the KIT design was presented to the partners. A work plan for the next task was set, as well for the upcoming face to face activities.

The SmartHome4SENIORS Kick-Off Meeting
The first meeting of the SmartHome4SENIORS project took place online on the 9th and 10th of December 2021, due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The partner organisations represented the countries of Germany, Ireland, Greece, the Netherlands, France, Austria and Bulgaria.
The partners discussed thoroughly the steps of the project for efficient progress of the first Activities. The team had the opportunity to meet and present themselves to get to know each other.