Dublin City University

Dublin City University Educational Institution
As a centre of expertise and excellence in teacher education and education more generally, the DCU Institute of Education hosts a range of research centres in key areas of priority and has an ambitious and growing programme of research. With internationally-recognised experts in education policy, inclusive and special education, curriculum and pedagogy, assessment, literacy, evaluation and teacher education, the Institute provides a dynamic learning and working environment. As one of the world’s leading young Universities, DCU has established its fifth and newest faculty out of a conviction that studies and research in education and the preparation and support of teachers are central to the transformation of lives and communities.
Dublin City University
Institute of Education
St. Patrick's Campus
9, Drumcondra
Co. Dublin
Email: ioe@dcu.ie,
Phone No: 00353 1 700 916
Dublin City University
Institute of Education
St. Patrick's Campus
9, Drumcondra
Co. Dublin
Email: ioe@dcu.ie,
Phone No: 00353 1 700 916